The History, Psychology, and Methodology Deployed by Fraudsters

Published: March 27, 2023, noon


He authored the book, Fifty Scams and Hoaxes which is a light-hearted investigation into some of the more egregious examples of financial skullduggery, medical quackery and ingenious hoaxing that have been lost in the mists of time.

Martin Fone explores the psychology and methodology deployed by the scammers and shows what can happen when avarice preys on credulity and gullibility.

The key characteristics he unearths amongst his picaresque collection of scammers include; incredible claims, extensive and creative use of advertising, which play on people\\u2019s fears and aspirations, unscrupulous business practices and, when it all goes wrong as it often does, a propensity to flee the scene and leave others to pick up the pieces.

