Purchase Your First Home by House Hacking

Published: Jan. 3, 2022, 1 p.m.


My guest is very enthusiastic about personal finance, and specifically house hacking and other real estate endeavors that help a person live a freer life. He says, he enjoys helping people getting started with understanding their personal balance sheet!

He speaks about when he was fired in 2016. \\u201cA lot changed for me then,\\u201d he says. He started reading a ton and started doing many enthusiastic projects! One project led to his release of the book \\u201cMake Better Bets\\u201d where he goes through the numbers on a model, he constructed in Excel to bet thousands of dollars on the 2018 World Cup. He also met his now wife on a Roots trip he took to Europe to see where some of his grandparents grew up. Learn more about my guest at...


