Identifying Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Published: Jan. 2, 2023, 1 p.m.


\\xa0My guest says that the OCPD Foundation is an ever growing and evolving resource for people suffering from obsessive compulsive personality disorder (anankastic personality disorder). Additionally, this site can aid those with someone in their life afflicted with this personality disorder, including family members and spouses. The website does not function as a substitute for therapy and treatment offered by trained mental health professionals. The OCPD Foundation serves as supplemental support for those in need of it. Whether you are looking to identify the disorder in yourself, someone close to you or you are simply curious about this often-misunderstood condition, we offer the enclosed information as a jumping off point. If after exploring the site you feel as though you recognize the symptoms in yourself or someone in your life, the next step would be to book an appointment with a mental health professional for a formal diagnosis.
