Raising the Volume on Light, Hope, and Healing ft. Bob Morley - #380

Published: Oct. 31, 2023, 3 p.m.


Bob Morley has helped me a great deal in my journey thus far. He was one of my professors at BYU Idaho and has appeared on this podcast three times!

With the first time he came on the audio wasn't good at all (my bad) and so I had to scrap it. Those were different times.

But my second and third interviews with him are here and live on! They are a great strength and blessing to me and I hope they are for you too!

Recently Bob has been going through some struggles with his ears and qualified for the Boston Marathon! This was a thrilling and sobering conversation, full of nuggets!

Previous Episode With Bob Morley (#44) - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/living-your-dream-today-ft-bob-morley-associate-dean/id1478505549?i=1000488546531

Connect With Bob on LinkedIn!- https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-morley-062b8/

"Faith to Move Mountains"
Talk by Russell Nelson - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2021/04/49nelson?lang=eng

Only a Lifetime Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHkJv3CI00Q

My Story, Your Glory Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdPstrY0Yns

Time Stamps:

3:30 - "I Couldn't Listen to Music Anymore..."
10:30 - "Healing is Going to Take Time"
14:57- "God Tests us because He Loves us"
16:37 - The John Baker Story
19:20 - John Baker Poem
24:10 - We Ought to Never Take Creation for Granted
26:30 - God is Preparing us Right Now for What Will Happen
27:44 - Bob's Biggest Wins Since 2020
38:15 - Choosing to Stay in The Light When Things Get Dark


- "There will come a time where I will not get the miracle and I will die." - Bob Morley
17:58 - "But this race to death is my final test and I'm not afraid - I've done my best." - John Baker
20:17 - "Things could have turned out a different way, and I am very glad to be here." - Dallin Candland
22:15 - "Maybe listening harder is not the answer, maybe it's listening differently."
23:20 - "All of the running I did in my youth paved a way for me to continue running."\\\\
33:55 - "Find someone you can share the journey with and then it's a completely different experience." - Bob Morley
39:19 - "I'm not going to stay here, even if it feels like my whole reality."
39:40 - "Pray like it all depends on God to help you in that darkness and work like it all depends on you."
40:04 - "Our light can be someone else's sunshine."

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