How to Regain Lost Momentum - #265

Published: Dec. 27, 2022, 10 p.m.


There's a very interesting pattern that helps with building relationships, both with others, and with yourself. That pattern is choosing engage in a cycle of reciprocity.

The idea is basically giving back for those who have done things for you in the past, but I went a bit deeper into it. As always I hope it is helpful in some way.

Time Stamps:

  • 0:27 - Making Pancakes Early Analogy\\xa0
  • 1:15 - The Two Kinds of Things That Affect Momentum
  • 3:00 - Why Listening to My Old Podcast Episodes Helps Me
  • 4:00 - How I Lost Momentum One Day in October 2021
  • 5:54 - The Analogy of the Distraction Slide
  • 7:00 - Advice For Current College Students
  • 7:37 - Closing the Gap Through Momentum
  • 8:46 - The Power of Creating Personal Deadlines
  • 9:10 - How to Regain Momentum - Money Management Class Story
  • 10:19 - Conditioning in Smash Bros.
  • 11:38 - I Need to Hire a Podcast Editor Still LOL
  • 12:30 - Why Playing Donkey Kong Today Helped Me Build Momentum
  • 13:45 - The Amazingness of Knowing Yourself Better
  • 16:30 - Using Past Losses to Fuel New Momentum

How to Regain Lost Momentum (In a Nutshell)

1. Look at Where Your Systems Fell Short (And Seize That New Insight!)
2. Make a Plan Using The New Insights
3. Stick to\\xa0 the Plan
4. Have Little Things in Your Life That Help You Build Momentum
5. Celebrate the Little Wins and Continue to Use Those Insights

Resources Mentioned:

Enron Stealing and Dishonesty of Funds Scandal:
Theranos Cold Fusion Deep Dive Video:
Conditioning in Smash Bros:
Sell or Be Sold:
My 58:11 Celeste Run:
A Few Hours of Joy Playlist:
Alma 49:

More YIELD Today:

YouTube Channel:


"If you look for the positive you'll always find it."

Appreciating wins is in itself a win (the win supercycle)

The momentum is secured when you plan ahead

"The pros are able to predict it and move their conditions on their own terms

"Life is going to happen either way, but if you position things your way it won't be as painful and you have a system that supports it."

"Works of art and peace of mind can help me develop the life I want to have."

"Losing momentum just means that you have

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