Bitterness and Bottlenecks - Dallin's Quick Rant - #179

Published: Feb. 13, 2022, 7 a.m.


It's no joke that I have let myself start to change how I see myself because of some bottlenecks that are in my life. Today we talked about what bottlenecks in business and in life may look like... and ones I have overcome and also struggled with.

Main Takeaways:

  1. You are not the bottleneck - "You are not the problem, you are the solution."
  2. Sometimes you just need to replace the thing and move on... instead of suffering more.
  3. Learn as much as you can about the bottleneck and the insights from learning about it will lift you over it.

I'm going to get that episode with Rhett up on Monday and then we will be BACK on track haha. It was really nice to get these rants out though and I hope they were helpful in some way.

"Those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding." - Dieter Uchtdorf

Dieter Uchtdorf's Full Talk:

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