After 30, I ain’t no snack. I’m a happy meal- I come with kids and a toy.

Published: April 5, 2021, 4 a.m.

Well... it comes to a point when dating just isn't the same. Today we talk about all those woes and get distracted with OTHER issues as well. Yeah this one is gonna be interesting to say the least. 

Wrong Turn Right Direction is a motivational and advice podcast about life; Taught from failure and success through experience. Each episode explores different topics everyone goes through and creates an environment for you to reflect on your own personal journey. No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you always have the choice to turn around.

Reach out with your thoughts, questions, and comments.


You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and IG! @wrongturnrightdirectionpodcast

Song: 'Aweakening"; Music by Wataboi from Pixabay.