World Questions: Warsaw

Published: Feb. 11, 2017, 9 p.m.


BBC World Questions comes to Warsaw as Poland is in the midst of a new era of political change. Poland\\u2019s opposition leaders claim the ruling party, Law and Justice, is restricting democratic freedom and hobbling the nation\\u2019s highest court, the Constitutional Tribunal. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the party's leader, says the opposition refuses to accept his party's victory in the 2015 election and its continuing popularity throughout the country. There have been occupations of parliament, demonstrations in the streets and a determination by the government to implement its mandate for sweeping reform. Jonathan Dimbleby and a panel of politicians and opinion formers discuss Poland's new era of change before politically charged audience. The panel includes the film director Agnieszka Holland; the Editor of online newspaper 'wSieci' Jacek Karnowski; MP Rafal Trzaskowski from Civic Platform; and MP Dominik Tarczy\\u0144ski from the governing Law and Justice Party. BBC World Questions is a series of international events created in partnership with the British Council.
