Moving Forward In Mass Timber Construction

Published: March 31, 2021, 1 a.m.


Murray Grove is the first tall urban housing project to be constructed entirely from pre-fabricated solid timber, from the load bearing walls and floor slabs to the stair and lift cores. The project came in cost effective and sequestered carbon rather than emitting it, opening a new door to sustainable construction. Andrew Waugh, the Foudner of Waugh Thistleton Architects was the lead pioneer in unlocking this new door to the entirely new industry that is mass timber construction today. We spoke with Andrew Waugh on Season 1 of the podcast, and it is a privilege to circle back and speak to him again. In this episode we discuss:

  • What has happened since the Stadthaus (also known as Murray Grove) and today
  • Learn about a new evolution in architectural design, with a recent project 6 Orsman Road
  • And where the puck is moving with digital design, prefabrication and assembly.


If you want to learn more about designing or building with timber, I recommend you go to the WoodSolutions Website and download the Technical Design Guides:


If you want to learn more about designing or building with timber, I recommend you go to the WoodSolutions Website and download the Technical Design Guides:
