#195: Is Education An Insurance Policy? PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel

Published: Jan. 17, 2022, 6 p.m.

Our next thought leader to review is Peter Thiel. Following on from our episodes on Nassim Taleb (181-194) the next modern thinker we're unpacking is PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel, the remarkable thinker, investor and contrarian.

He has some fascinating thoughts about education and innovation – in this first of eight episodes on Thiel (195-202) we unpack his ideas on 'what sort of product is education?' Thiel asks, is it an investment product? A consumption good? (Four year party)... an inflated insurance policy? OR... a crazy tournament.

Here Luke and Joe unpack it, and then be sure to come back again for tomorrow's next short, bite-sized episode on Thiel. 


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