There are no quick fixes

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 8 a.m.

“It is facile to imply that smoking, alcoholism, overeating, or other ingrained patterns can be upended without real effort. Genuine change requires work and self-understanding of the cravings driving behaviors.”

There are no quick fixes. Let’s quit chasing them in case we are. There is only one way out of bad habits, and the way is through. Yes, one day at a time, and yes habits are micro-efforts that over time lead to big results, and yes it is all a process. The hard truth: it doesn’t just take work, the outer results begin from the inner work.

This podcast focuses on self-exploration and personal identity -- to help you construct who you are, and how you want to feel, think, believe, and behave for yourself. Check out our gratitude challenge for the month of November at