Self-doubt in moderation is animating and motivating

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

“Self-doubt in moderation is animating and motivating, not paralyzing. Leaders who have purged themselves of all self-doubt will not be leaders for long and, in my view, are dangerous while in command. I learned, over time, that self-doubt is my friend, and arrogance my enemy.”

This also reminds me of the famous quote by Lord Acton from the 19th century, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Self-doubt keeps us honest to ourselves. No one has all the answers. Humility is, ironically enough, what the greatest humans possess. Arrogance is always a form of insecurity.

This podcast focuses on self-exploration and personal identity -- to help you construct who you are, and how you want to feel, think, believe, and behave for yourself. The book Who Do You Think You Are is also available at all major e-retailers, and you can find it at Check out our two-hour classes on how to build resiliency, how to discover what you want, how to like yourself more, how to find calm, how to bounce forward after failure, and many more at