WhenIn.Ro #42: Vasile Vanata, Codrin Castravete & Dorel Dovlecel

Published: Feb. 7, 2021, 9:39 p.m.


Cocalaristan x WhenIn.Ro is back for round two as we introduce some of our new friends from the Republic that we met on NYE.

This week we learn of a Romanian Franchise operating ATMs in Cancun, contemplate why a man in Galati set his apartment on fire 4 times, Flex with the Arad police as they show off their 113 RON pillage of a street beggar, THE RETURN OF WHENIN.RO SPORTS (Feat. Sorana Cristea), drop in to observe a highly effect Covid-19 Chinese anal swab exam for scientific purposes, and President Iohannis vs Premier Citu square off in the Pula cu Pula Dick Measuring Competition of the Week!!!

The conclusion is an intense field update from Sergeant Lewis as he cryptically "searches for the Red Umbrella",....whatever that means.


Facebook: @WhenInRo
Instagram: WhenInRoPodcast
Youtube: Trevor Guy


4 fires: https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/evenimente/un-galatean-si-a-incendiat-apartamentul-a-patra-oara-1447265\\xa0

Arad Police Pillage Flex: https://external-preview.redd.it/PhdTz0-q1dGN0Oub8Ccxy9_ni-SYK-6RVOk-I8QCtOQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=2cb53c6ce102766faec77749c66da73723073849

Chinese Covid Swab Demo: https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/2021/01/31/6016bd33ca47415e5f8b45b9.html

Serious Problem & Getting Worse:

