Your Early Look at Office Hours: New Feature for our Patreon Supporters!

Published: Aug. 17, 2022, noon


Warning: Explicit Content

Also Warning: We talk movies and actors and completely forget Elijah Woods' name.

Many years ago, when we were recording our previous show which was laden with expletives, innuendo and clergy molestation humor, Mrs MC mentioned that our off the mic conversations were more interesting than our on the mic conversations and we would often shout "WHY AREN'T WE RECORDING?!"

So here we are, just being us, hanging out as us and recording. Office hours. Come on in and have a seat.

This is going to be a regular monthly feature at our Patreon page for our supporters. For a few bucks a month, you can feel like you're just hanging with the guys. Grab a beer and listen to the tomfoolery!

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Thanks for listening and please share the show!
