66: Answer a #Journorequest with Taneia Surles, MPH (Freelance Health Reporter)

Published: Aug. 7, 2023, 9 a.m.


Our guest today, a freelance health reporter, doesn't use PR pitches to write her stories. And, despite this, she still works with publicists! So how does it all work? This episode is all about the art of answering media queries. If you remember Casey's episodes, we've already talked about HARO extensively on the podcast. This week, however, we're jumping off from the #journorequest hashtag and talking about Qwoted. We're also covering lots of interesting details in between. Get an insider's look at how these different services fit in and complement one another, and walk away from this episode empowered to really take charge when you see relevant queries come in. Spoiler: our guest shares the story of receiving commentary written by ai (yes, there are tools to identify that). You won't want to miss this episode!


In this episode, you'll learn...

  • How a freelance health journalist lines up her stories
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  • The current landscape of media query tools and services
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  • Best practices for responding to these queries
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Our guest is...

  • Taneia Surles, MPH, a freelance health writer, editor, and public health professional. She holds a bachelor\\u2019s and a master\\u2019s degree in public health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has bylines in AARP, Health, Healthline, Insider, Parents, Verywell Health, and other publications.
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