59: Pivot Your Story Angle with Cloey Callahan

Published: April 18, 2023, 9:30 a.m.


In today\\u2019s episode, we analyze a story that experienced a complete pivot from the original pitch and follow-up. Get a glimpse into how this happened, and why having that rapport built already led to an active brainstorming and changing of the story altogether\\u2014 talk about PR-journalist collaboration heaven! From it, walk away encouraged to do the same, should your original story idea need a fresh angle for that journalist to say yes to you.


In this episode, you'll learn to leverage authenticity and flexibility in all aspects of your outreach\\u2026

  • Communicating with a journalist

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  • Preparing your expert for an interview

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  • Crafting stories that dive deeper than the basics

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Our guest is:

  • Cloey Callahan, a reporter for Digiday Media's newest vertical, WorkLife, where she covers all things future of work, including but not limited to tech, spaces, culture, d/e/i, talent and leadership. Before WorkLife, she spent three years covering local news in New York's Hudson Valley, where she was born and raised and still resides today.\\xa0

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