34: Send a One-Sentence Pitch with Tercius Bufete

Published: April 6, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"Our guest today is a deals editor on a reviews section of a top-tier, online outlet. If you\\u2019ve ever wondered how an e-commerce section of a media outlet operates and how publicists fit into the equation, then this is the episode for you! And, bonus: our guest is a true evangelist of deals shopping, so, you will walk away with better shopping know-how \\u2014 we guarantee it!\\nIn this episode you\\u2019ll learn\\u2026\\n\\n What the selection process is for a daily deals section of a reviews section\\n\\n How timing matters with deals reporting\\n\\n Why one sentence might be all you need in a pitch\\n\\n\\nOur guest is:\\n\\n Tercius Bufete, the Deals Editor for Insider's reviews team. He is formerly a commerce editor at Kinja Deals and an associate editor at Consumer Reports"