11: The "Wall Street Journal" Marketing Problem with Rand Fishkin

Published: Aug. 25, 2020, 9 a.m.


Welcome to our season 2 kickoff! In this episode, our special guest, Rand Fishkin (founder of SparkToro and previous co-founder of Moz), discusses with us a situation all marketers have found themselves in before: a boss or client demanding a \\u201cprestigious placement,\\u201d foregoing the (actually, HUGE!) potential of working with other "lesser-known" publications. 


In this episode, you\\u2019ll learn...

  • What exactly is the "Wall Street Journal" marketing problem
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  • How to respond to this through honest conversation rooted in rational, data-driven thinking
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  • The value of working with the \\u201clittle guys,\\u201d and how to find these publications that your target customers ACTUALLY engage with
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Plus, learn what\'s in store for season 2 of We Earn Media! 


