Personality Professional Professionalism Words to Live by and Build your Career

Published: Oct. 5, 2017, 10:40 a.m.

b'\\u2022\\tProfessionalism - the competence or skill expected of a professional: \\u201cthe key to quality and efficiency is professionalism"
\\n\\u2022\\t\\u25aathe practicing of an activity, especially a sport, by professional rather than amateur players: \\u201cthe trend toward professionalism" Oxford Dictionaries
\\nWelcome to today\\u2019s episode of Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I\\u2019m Marty and I\\u2019d like to share a question I posed to a young lead earlier this week. I had a topic in mind and was going to use this question to lead us into a discussion of personalities or differences between his thoughts of a Lead and the supervisor positions. My question was \\u201cwhat do you feel is the main difference between a lead position and the Supervisor position?\\u201d He answered, there shouldn\\u2019t be a difference, both have a job to do and that\\u2019s to get the job done as efficiently as possible, teach our team to be better, give them the tools to improve and make sure they practice Safety & understand it while displaying the professionalism they deserve.\\u201d I was a bit taken back by that answer and had to pause and think about it for a moment. A couple of days later the same word came up in an operations meeting I was attending, \\u201cWe all need to act like professionals towards each other and other departments\\u201d was the sentence that caught my attention. I\\u2019m certain I\\u2019ve used the words professional and professionalism before, probably too often as their great words, but for the life of me I couldn\\u2019t tell you the last time I pushed them towards anyone else. It\\u2019s really the definition, for us anyway, and a better topic than my word personality I wanted to discuss.
\\nI was thinking personality, you know we\\u2019re all a little different in the way we approach or handle things, would make a great topic to discuss regarding a noticeable difference in a lead and a supervisor. I mean don\\u2019t we find ourselves acting a little differently when we\\u2019re given more responsibility and more tasks to get done? I think we do but his answer made me rethink wither we should and maybe that\\u2019s a flaw in us instead of something we should be trying to control. Professionalism helps us control ourselves, if we understand being a professional our personality wouldn\\u2019t change as we grow and take on more duties and responsibilities.
\\nI went out on the floor at several different facilities and asked what professionalism meant to a few different associates in several different jobs and I have to admit I was quite impressed with the answers and I\\u2019d like to share a couple of them:
\\nA Sanitation associate answered, \\u201cI want to make sure the aisles are kept clean for my selectors and fork\\u2019s, they shouldn\\u2019t have to drive around shrink wrap and strapping tape, it just slows them down.\\u201d
\\nA returns agent stated \\u201cIt\\u2019s her job to help the drivers get their product checked in and the customers invoice adjusted. She laughed and added a lot of her job is to let the delivery drivers vent to her a bit about having to round trip the product because it was selected wrong, or ordered wrong, or the customer just didn\\u2019t want it and the driver had to work around it all day. She needed to keep her cool and show them respect even when she didn\\u2019t want to hear their stories\\u201d
\\nI really liked this reply by a pallet runner, he said \\u201cI need to make sure I keep the front docks cleared so my receivers can tag their products and keep their productivity numbers up. Also I need to make sure and place the pallets right in the aisles so my forklifts can grab them and get\\u2019em racked, they have productivity numbers too. I try and help everybody without getting mad or yelling at others.\\u201d
\\nAnd check this one out from a Delivery Driver. \\u201cProfessionalism means respecting someone that\\u2019s mistreating you and they don\\u2019t have all the facts or know what they\\u2019re talking about. I\\u2019m the last one in the chain, I didn\\u2019t take the order, pull the cases or load them but I\\u2019m the one handing it to them so if somethings ...'