War Room - 2020-Aug 05, Wednesday - President Trump Declares Obama & Biden Treasonous for Roles in Spy Gate!

Published: Aug. 6, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

President Donald Trump hammers the deep state treason again in a scathing tweet saying Obama and Biden committed treason. Mainstream media catches up to Infowars again as ties to the FBI raids lead right to Joe and Hunter Biden. Owen Shroyer hits the streets of Austin, Texas and bullhorns Google for it’s involvement in the censorship of Free Speech and their collusion with the Chinese Communists. Guests on today’s show include the Black Rebel who was stabbed by a white ANTIFA Pedophile in Portland Oregon, Brandon from That’s The Point With Brandon on the state of California culture war, Savanah Hernandez in studio on the war on men which Tomi Lahren has joined, and activists Charlie Kae and Joey Gibson with updates on activity in their local communities.


Andrew Duncomb

Brandon from “thats the point”

Savanah Hernandez

Joey Gibson

Charlie Kae