War Room - 2019-Jul 17, Wednesday - MSM Covers For Democrats On Connections To Jeffery Epstein As Pedophile Island Is Exposed

Published: July 17, 2019, 11:53 p.m.

Powerful guests for today's War Room include Paloma For Trump who was attacked by leftist protesters, Del Bigtree with vaccine news, Joe Biggs on a massive rally happening in Portland, Oregon, and Pastor David Lynn who was attacked while street preaching outside of a screening on the movie Unplanned. Major breaking news on the Jeffrey Epstein front as thousands of files are about to be unsealed for the public.

GUEST // (OTP/Skype) // TOPICS:
Paloma For Trump//Skype
Del Bigtree//Skype
Joe Biggs//Skype
David J Lynn//Skype