Why Are We Afraid to Imagine What Is Possible?

Published: Nov. 6, 2022, 11 a.m.


How often do you spend time thinking about what\\u2019s possible for you? As women, we\\u2019re socialized to make ourselves small and not go after what we really want. That in order to have what we want, we have to suffer for it now to get our \\u2018reward\\u2019 later. But when we surround ourselves with other people who can help us hold space for the larger vision we really want for our lives, that\\u2019s when the \\u201cimpossible\\u201d really starts to feel possible. Listen to this special episode to learn why we\\u2019re really afraid to imagine what\\u2019s possible and how women are changing their lives inside the Clutch. Doors to the Clutch are open now through November 8, 2022.\\xa0
