How to Stop Giving a Fuck What Other People Think

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, 11 a.m.


\\u201cMaybe this is dumb, but\\u2026 ,\\u201d \\u201cI know I shouldn\\u2019t feel this way\\u2026 ,\\u201d \\u201cDoes that make sense?\\u201d


These may seem like simple, innocuous words, but they\\u2019re just an outward example of the many ways that women and people socialized as women don\\u2019t trust their own authority. It\\u2019s no wonder that as women we struggle with people pleasing, seeking validation, and not being able to tune into what we really want - we\\u2019re literally socialized to do these things.


But from October 24-28 I\\u2019m hosting a live training series designed to help you grab your authority back so you can make decisions about your life from a place of empowerment and confidence. Tune in to this special bonus episode to learn more about the Claim Your Authority (AKA Stop Giving a Fuck What Other People Think) Challenge and how you can claim your ticket today.


Click here to learn more.
