Episode 13: Ukrainian Journalism Style Guide and J'Accuse!

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 3:07 a.m.


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\\nUkraine and its allies continue to try to head off the possible Russian offensive, but there is tension between Kyiv and Washington over how severe the threat may be. Then, in local news, a mass shooting by a National Guardsmen of his fellow soldiers and a corruption scandal at the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone regarding nuclear waste.
\\nNext, we list some of the most frequent errors made by foreign journalists and politicians when describing Ukraine and go into some detail on how to correct them.
\\nWe end by analyzing the arguments from the different sides of the political spectrum for why they might support Russia, and make a plea to the Left to re-adjust some of their assumptions and have solidarity with the Ukrainian people.


\\nHere are some timestamps to better reach some of our arguments:


Style Guide


27:30 - Kyiv, not Kiev and other naming conventions.


33:00 - It is a Russian invasion, not a Civil War.


29:40 - The Far-Right is not as much of a problem as it is made out to be, do not focus on it to the exclusion of anything else.


45:00 - Ukrainian West vs. Russian East is vastly misunderstood.


49:30 - Do not rely on what you learned in WW2 movies and video games


Russia's Supporters and Fellow Travelers


53:00 - Bipartisan Bad Arguments


49:30 - Why the Right Supports Russia


1:04:30 - Why the Left Supports Russia
