Social Justice Warriors in your Schools, Government and Companies - Two Marine Dads Episode # 20

Published: April 30, 2021, 9:01 p.m.


Two Marine Dads, discusses BLM, Critical Race Theory, social justice warriors and their impact on our schools, our companies, our government and YOUR freedom!  I teacher got fired in NY for calling out and getting his boss to agree that critical race theory targets white students.  He also called out the war the SJW's are waging that many don't even INCLUDING HIS BOSS do not recognize as a war.    Companies like coke, delta, and UPS tout how woke they are and how much they hate the new GA Law SB 202, yet they them selves do not have a stellar record on race!  Woke couture wants to judge you by the color of your skin not the content of your character! MLK must be spinning like a rotisserie chicken watching this from above!
