Biden's Joint Session - Deer Don't Wear Kevlar?

Published: May 11, 2021, 7:11 p.m.

Two Marine Dads, discusses President Biden's Joint Session of Congress.   2 Marine Dads show you how president Biden breaks down and addresses the LGBTQ, Transgender, Latinx, people of color, and indigenous peoples, but fails to address the rest of the country. Its a disgrace!   Biden has put the US back into he Paris Accord that limits our carbon emissions.  He admits that even if the US got down to zero carbon emissions it would not impact the globe as the US is one responsible for 15% of the total carbon emissions.  He attacks our first amendment and our second amendment rights.  Its NOT hyperbole to suggest that,  He actually spells it out in exact terms!  The Biden administration is anti cop and it shows.  Places like Seattle have LOST over 200 cops and the city council celebrates it and then cuts their police budget by another 5.4 million.  In the same breath, they lament the increase in violent crime.   2MD talks how cops are heroes! We discus how Las Cruces Police Officer Adrian De La Garza's training saved his life, stopped a criminal, and probably saved others in the process!