What a Concept! Elect Lauren Kuby, a Scientist, to the AZ Corp Commission for an Environmentally Sustainable Future

Published: Oct. 24, 2022, 11 p.m.

Our conversation with Lauren Kuby, candidate for the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), demonstrates that down ballot races can have an enormous impact on our economy, consumer affordability and environmental sustainability.

Democrats Lauren Kuby and Sandra Kennedy are running for two seats on the ACC this fall in the hopes of joining current Commissioner Anna Tovar to form a "Blue" majority against Republican and utility company efforts to block renewable energy standards and solar power development.

Please go to laurenkuby.com and reelectkennedy.com to support and vote for both to power Arizona into a new era of sustainable and economic growth and protection of our valuable natural resources.

A big thank you to our sponsor the Maricopa County Democratic Party for its support. Please visit  the MCDP website to volunteer your time and donate to help elect Democrats from the bottom to the top of the ballot in 2022.

Turning Arizona Blue (TAB) the podcast is partnering with The Mule News, an online news service dedicated to Maricopa County Democratic politics. Please subscribe for free and confirm your subscription at https://themulenews.com/.

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