064: On Walter Reuther Part 3 feat. Cars & Comrades Podcast

Published: Dec. 29, 2021, midnight

b'Part three of our deep dive into the life and work of Walter Reuther with the Cars and Comrades. Who was Walter Reuther and why might he be important to leftist car enthusiasts? Walter was a labor organizer who became the President of the United Auto Workers (UAW) as well as the Congress of Industrial Organisations (CIO). Walter had a broad vision for what the labor movement could achieve for working people and he was at the forefront of the labor struggle throughout most of the 20th century. Walter was a Socialist, although he was very much against communism. In this deep dive, we take an honest look at both the successes and failures of Walter\'s approach to improving the lives of working people. For additional context, refer back to our past episodes that touched on The Battle of the Overpass and our series on DRUM: The Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement. There will be several more episodes in this series (at least 3), so buckle up and join us along the road to revolution.\\n\\nSources:Brothers on the Line (FULL MOVIE)\\npluto.tv/en/on-demand/movies/\\u2026hers-on-the-line-1-1\\n\\nMichael Parenti: The Death of UAW Leader Walter Reuther (with Dave Emory, 1996)\\nyoutu.be/AAAQ6-ycRF4\\n\\nSit Down and Fight\\nyoutu.be/k8qCPYmUCuY\\n\\nWith Babies and Banners: Story of the Women\'s Emergency Brigade (1979)\\nyoutu.be/pa75V-tdBko\\n\\nThe Woman Who Led The Bloody Battle Against GM - Past Gas #65\\nyoutu.be/9-WyGB_pVxg\\n\\nThe Dollop Podcast #261- Matt Christman | Henry Fords Henchman Live in Detroit\\nyoutu.be/RQom7O2iIok\\n\\nEmail us with tips, stories, and unhinged rants:carsandcomrades@gmail.com\\n\\nRSS feed:\\nshoutengine.com/CarsComrades.xml\\n\\nFollow us on social media:www.instagram.com/cars_and_comrades_podcast/\\n\\ntwitter.com/CarsAndComrades\\n\\nwww.facebook.com/Cars-Comrades-Po\\u2026-101908671824034\\n\\nwww.reddit.com/user/CarsAndComrades\\n\\nwww.hexbear.net/u/CarsAndComrades\\n\\nAll music from the free album Polygondwanaland by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard:kinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/polygondwanaland\\n\\nFeaturing:\\nCars & Comrades Podcast\\nRSS feed:\\nshoutengine.com/CarsComrades.xml\\nSocial media:\\nwww.instagram.com/cars_and_comrades_podcast/\\ntwitter.com/CarsAndComrades\\nwww.facebook.com/Cars-Comrades-Po\\u2026-101908671824034\\nwww.reddit.com/user/CarsAndComrades\\nwww.hexbear.net/u/CarsAndComrades\\n\\nAll music from the free album Polygondwanaland by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard:\\nkinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/polygondwanaland\\n\\nJUST RESTOCKED ALL SIZES of our "Reagan is Satan" official Turn Leftist Podcast shirts! Available at:\\nturn-leftist-podcast.myshopify.com\\n\\nBecome a Patreon!\\npatreon.com/turnleftist\\n\\nListen now and follow us on social media!\\n\\nLinktree (with links to shirts & Discord): linktree.com/turnleftist\\nTwitter: @turnleftistpod\\nInstagram: @turnleftist / Backup: @turnleftist1312\\nFacebook: @turnleftistpod (facebook.com/turnleftistpodcast)'