First Day of School

Published: Sept. 18, 2007, 10:45 p.m.

b"The first day of school is a special day for teachers and students. It sets the tone for the year. How do you set the tone on the first day of school? Do you smile and go out of your way to make the kids comfortable? or do you go out of your way to let them know who is in charge and focus on the class rules? After the first day are you kids excited about coming back for another day? or are they just thinking this is going to be another class like all the others. What do you do that is special on the first day of school? If your answer is nothing, then maybe this podcast will give you an idea or two. Come on, if you love your kids, make sure they love your class. Go out of your way to wow them and capture their imagination when their minds are wide open. Keep them open by filling it with wide open thoughts, not boring classroom rituals and overbearing rules. If you kick butt the first day, the kids won't spend the rest of the year kicking yours : )"