Connecting With Students

Published: June 5, 2007, 6:33 p.m.

b'Wow! This podcasting thing is much harder than I thought. It\'s funny how I have all these thoughts flying around in my head but the second I try to get them to come out of my mouth they become garbled and unfocused. I guess I have never really had the opportunity to vocalize or write down my "educational" thoughts and now that I try...yikes. My podcasts end up being more like a dysfunctional therapy session rather than a well thought out podcast on a focused topic. I keep thinking at the end of each one that I should start over and throw it out. But I think I am going to keep going and maybe there is a lesson in here somewhere -- especially for my kids next year when we start the class podcasts. So today I leave you with a short podcast on connecting with kids. I think if we all started thinking about how we can better connect with our kids and then talk about curriculum, technology, school design, etc...the world would be simply a much better place : ) Hey...if you read this far, leave me a comment would ya...let me know someone besides myself has seen this page. Thanks!\\n\\nPaul'