EP43: What Signals Are You Sending As You Move Forward?

Published: July 22, 2021, 7 a.m.

Something wonderfully coincidental happened recently. While driving my dogs to dog training, there were at least three cars that didn’t use their turn signals. Driving in that situation can be frustrating, but with being intentional about my energy, the situation worked in my favor by inspiring an insight for me that I want to share with you. I’ll tell you my inspiration of why turn signals are a reflection of how we progress in life, align with our True Stride, and share our Heart Value.

Turn signals are used to notify others of a move you’d like to make and help people know which way you’re headed. In other words, they prepare the people around you to know your intentions. Turn signals in your life journey allow people around you to know how they can encourage you and support you in the direction you want to go. Simply signaling people what your intentions are becomes a useful way to give people the chance to encourage you, or even help by getting out of your way.

If you send out signals, you are sending a message. I realize that communicating the choice to walk in our True Stride requires us to be comfortable with being more visible and more vocal about our authentic intentions. It makes you wonder which ways you can be more visible and vocal in your life to send the most natural message. What signals are you sending out, and how do you feel about them? How are you making yourself more visible?

We should be so clear on the value we bring and be excited to share what lights us up. Think about one action you can take to voice your value, so that the people around you can encouragingly offer you their energy or get out of your way. By being mindful of the signals you’re emitting, you are practicing the skill of being intentional and strengthening the muscle of voicing your value.


In this episode:

[00:23] - Welcome to the show!

[01:21] - I explain the connection I found between how we use turn signals to drive and how we progress in life.

[02:37] - Sometimes the most important thing we can do is use our turn signals in life in ways that feel good and resonate with our True Stride.

[03:51] - Here are the signals I feel I am sending out.

[05:53] - My friend is in a massive career shift. She is a great example of prioritizing the signals that align with a vision.

[07:28] - Sometimes I need to check-in about the choices I’m making to be more visible and vocal with the direction I’m choosing for myself.

[09:51] - I’m not sure how everything will play out, but I do know I want us all to be able  to voice our value and share what lights us up.

[11:47] - Here’s what I’m thinking of doing when I start having guests on the True Stride podcast.

[12:38] - Pay attention to and be intentional about the signals you are sending out, and be intentional 

[13:58] - Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I know that you’re going to get to where you’re going, and I love being the one that’s encouraging you or empowering you to go after whatever is in your heart of hearts.”
  • “Your notable contributions, they are your story to tell. It’s your responsibility to voice your value if you want to stand out and get the credit that you deserve; or get the support and the encouragement that you need in order to keep moving forward in the direction that you want to go.”
  • “We’re all here to get stronger about our Heart Value and get more aligned with our True Stride, so that we can feel energized and happy with each and every step that we take.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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