EP39: Release to Make Space for What You Want

Published: June 24, 2021, 7 a.m.

Do you have a practice that reminds you to set intentions or release anything holding you back? Often, you need to let go of things demanding your time and attention in order to attract the very thing that you want.

It’s helpful to have gentle reminders in your life that help you pay attention to your evolution. I sometimes use the moon cycles as my reminder, and on tonight’s full moon I’m ready to let go of a few things to make space for what I really want. To help you understand, I’ll share why releasing disempowering thoughts can open you up to welcome positive possibilities.

I learned about the moon cycles as a practice to nurture yourself. In each phase of the moon and life, there is a balance between what comes and what goes. Having a nurturing practice amplifies what you manifest and attract into life. Sometimes life flies by, so keeping a conscious and consistent practice allows you to be mindful of the phases in your journey.

When we think of moon cycles, there are two distinct moments we can focus on. One is the full moon, and the other is the new moon. Full moons represent a time to release what’s not serving us. New moons represent a time of setting intentions. In my own eyes, I find the moon cycles to be a beautiful visual reminder of where we are in time and space. As we slow down and check our reality, we find the ebb and flow in the rhythm of our evolution. We always evolve, like the moon.

For this episode, we’ll dig into moon cycles that can be a gentle reminder to us in our journey. I personally feel that engaging those cycles also reminds me of the way I intend to show up. I choose what to release and what intentions to set. Each month I make progress based on where I am in life, what I want, and where I want to go.


In this episode:

[00:23] - Welcome to the Show!

[02:35] - How can we use moon cycles to nurture ourselves in whatever ways matter?

[04:16] - I find the connection between the moon cycles and harvesting an interesting gentle reminder.

[05:28] - To move forward in the way I want to show up, there are a few things I’m releasing during the full moon.

[06:38] - “Let not the good suffer at the hands of the perfect.”

[07:47] - By releasing negative thoughts, I’m freeing up space for positive possibilities.

[08:12] - For right now, I’m setting an intention of releasing.

[9:19] - Like everything else in the life cycle, we are growing to reach our full potential.

[10:48] - What kind of fun routine can you have with moon cycles?

[12:10] - Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “It is extremely difficult to bring anything new into our life without letting go of some stuff.”
  • “There is a natural ebb and flow for getting clear on our intentions in order to make space for what in our heart of hearts we want.”
  • “When I release whatever doesn’t feel supportive, the positive things will flow.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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