EP37: Mid Year Check-In on Your Word for The Year

Published: June 10, 2021, 7 a.m.

After the last episode about challenges, I realized that midyear is a great time to reflect on the word we set for the year to illuminate what was important and what we really wanted to accomplish by the end of 2021. As a reminder, my word for the year is Heart Vibe and our word serves as a mantra to realign and stay focused on how we want to show up for ourselves every day and month that passes in 2021.

On this Wise Walk the questions on our minds are: Are you still focused and committed to the intention (word for the year) that you set for yourself in the beginning of 2021? How is it supporting you and what choices and actions are you making in order to show up with that focus and commitment every day? And if the word isn’t resonating with you any longer, can you give yourself the freedom to choose again?

Some of the things that spark my Heart Vibe are the combination of physical activity, nature, and the outdoors. So for me I need to make sure I get movement and outdoor activity every single day, and that invigorates my heart. So six months into 2021, I’m pretty happy with my word choice of Heart Vibe and I’m happy with my focus and commitment to living it and being mindful of it. Spending time with Katie last week sparked my Heart Vibe because of our soulful connection and the laughter that we shared. Nothing energizes me more than that one to one quality time with an individual that I have a Heart Value relationship with. 

If your word for the year is not resonating any longer, give yourself the freedom to choose again. We are all working to align with our True Stride and there is no judgment here, just awareness. Whatever that something is that’s calling you give yourself permission and motivation to go after it because you are worth it. Every single day that you have with yourself and those that you love around you, you deserve to have the experience and create the life that you really want.

Thank you for listening every week and supporting me as I pursue my word for the year. The accountability that I have with you has been extremely important; that I get to show up with you and have these conversations on our Wise Walks. Your emails spark my Heart Vibe. I can’t even tell you how important they are to me. So you are awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:30] I share two things that have made challenges effective in my life.

[04:02] Since we are in June, I thought we could check-in and see how our focus and commitment are on that word of the year we chose.

[05:48] Are you still focused and committed to the intention that you set for yourself in the beginning of 2021?

[05:59] How is it supporting you and what choices and actions are you making in order to show up with that focus and commitment every day?

[06:16] If the word you set isn’t resonating with you any longer, can you give yourself the freedom to choose again, and in what ways do you want to change your word?

[06:46] My intention for the year is all about my Heart Vibe.

[08:01] Here are some things that spark my Heart Vibe.

[08:57] I’m mindful that there is an ebb and flow of everything we do.

[11:37] If your word isn’t resonating any longer, give yourself the freedom to choose another one.

[12:55] Getting Trooper is one of the best things that has happened to me and Cali this year.

[14:03] Working on my book is another Heart Vibe high for me.

[15:10] My ability to work on my relationships is another high for me in 2021.

[16:44] Six months into 2021 how are you feeling?

[18:40] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I want to take the time to center on my Heart Vibe so that I can lead with my heart.” 
  • “I am mindful that there is an ebb and flow to everything we do.”
  • “There are so many facets to me. I can say yes to different things.”
  • “I am always, constantly focused on this ebb and flow of keeping my Heart Vibe high.”
  • “Setting a word for the year's intention is a little bit like a challenge.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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