EP19: How To Hunt And Treasure What You Want

Published: Feb. 4, 2021, 8 a.m.

Today, we talk about #HeartVibeHunt and explore how you treasure and hunt those things that you want to attract in your life. On this wise walk, we slow down, check our reality and consider: what do you treasure and want more of in your life? How can you proactively go after it? What is your current vibration and how do you take time to celebrate it?

My friend Leigh Farrow is working on 100 mosaic stepping stones for her project; follow her at #piecefulpath. Leigh shares that for her, it's about the feeling she gets when she is creating, and how it allows it to let her mind wander. My goal with #HeartVibeHunt is to get out of my head and tune into my heart vibration throughout the day and capture moments when I have a high Heart Vibe.

If we choose to experience life from just our brain, then we lose that vital experience from our hearts. When we honor our heart's response, then it is a full experience. Sure, our brains play a role, but we would all benefit if we follow our hearts' feedback first. I am looking at my Heart Vibe hunt based on what feelings surface for me during the 100 days, and I will share my positive Heart Vibes with you because that's what I want to attract more of in my life.

I recently had a Heart Vibe moment when I cooked red peppers and onions in my cast-iron skillet because it reminded me of my Aunt Teeny, who always cooks them for me. Another Heart Vibe moment was when I passed a nail salon named Nails So Happy because they kicked my friend Meredith out of the salon when they didn't like the questions she was asking, and that story still makes me giggle.

Our wise walks contain conversations and questions for you to self-reflect and hunt for your unique answers so that you can feel, choose and act with intention because the key to any meaningful discovery or treasure is to seek and attract what really matters to you and what's going to make your heart happy.


In this episode:

[00:25] Welcome to the show!

[00:52] To learn more about my 100-day project, go to #HeartVibeHunt.

[01:48] What do you treasure and want more of in your life?

[01:58] How can you proactively go after it and make it fun like a treasure hunt?

[02:08] What's your current vibration as you seek it?

[02:28] Leigh is creating 100 mosaic stepping stones for her 100-day project, follow her at #peacefulpath.

[04:05] The thing I treasure now is the opportunity to get out of my head and be in a feeling state.

[04:57] Your Heart Vibe is unique for each of us.

[05:41] It's interesting that we can live without brain waves, but we literally can not live without our hearts.

[05:53] Once a day, I will share what fuels my Heart Vibe.

[08:41] Horseback riding completely energizes my Heart Vibe when I ride once a week.

[09:37] When you feel a high or low Heart Vibe, do you take time to notice what your feelings are communicating to you?

[09:48] What are ways that you get out of your head and listen to your heart?

[09:56] Are you open to seeing what Heart Vibe surfaces and informs your choices and actions as you move forward?

[10:41] One of my all-time favorite movies is The Goonies, which fuels my love of treasure maps.

[11:33] Heart Value is your understanding of who you are, what lights you up, and how it energetically and emotionally connects with others.

[12:46] I really love treasure hunts and adventures because you always have short and long checkpoints along the way.

[14:04] Are you hunting your ideal Heart Vibe?

[17:00] My big hope for you is that you wake up excited each morning.

[17:33] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • "Once I realized I could leave space for spontaneity, I felt relieved and excited." 
  • "My Heart Vibe hunt allows me to track heart-centered feeling experiences that spark joy and happiness in me." 
  • "Paying attention to what you feel is so powerful." 
  • "It's not the mind that is informing our emotions." 
  • "If we choose to experience life from just our brain, we are missing out on that vital experience from our heart." 
  • "When you honor your heart's response, then it is a full experience." 
  • "When we see what lights us up, we find that synchronicity because we are hunting for it." 
  • "If you hunt for what energizes you, you will attract more of that." 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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