TT044: A Running Discussion You’ll Want To Hear

Published: Nov. 12, 2014, 3:02 a.m.

Subscribe via iTunes This interview was one of the most intriguing I've done.  We cover basic and technical running topics in a clearly explained format.  If your first run was last week, or you are an Ironman champion,  this episode has something for you. It's also a good follow up to episode 43. Cadence, Running Form, Shoes, & Barefoot Running Dr. Thomas Hughes of Tri-Mechanics discusses his journey into the study of running form.  It all started when he decided to run barefoot one morning. Thomas turned his attention away from practicing medicine toward studying running.  Topics we discuss include: Barefoot running Changes required before increasing your cadence Running off the bike Minimalist/zero drop/big toebox shoes Run shoe cushioning Using a metronome Links @trimechanics