TT021: Questions From a First Year Triathlete

Published: Dec. 27, 2013, 7:25 p.m.

Subscribe via iTunes Questions From a First Year Triathlete I interview first year triathlete Randy Messman and answer his training questions.  Randy was one of the show's listeners who responded to a request on the Triathlete Training Facebook page.  He is training for the TexasMan X-50 Tri in May with a distance of 1 mile swim/40 mile bike/9 mile run.  Messman became interested in triathlon after watching a Dick Hoyt video on Facebook. His questions include: How do I reduce decoupling of heart rate and pace? Randy runs at a very easy heart rate on the treadmill and finds his heart rate increases significantly yet the effort still feels easy and his pace doesn't change. How much speed should I expect to gain in my first year? How do I determine LT using a field test? Should I train in zones 4 and 5 if I'm racing for a longer event? What is the minimum number of training sessions I need each week for each event? Subscribe to podcast via iTunes