Hugh Hewitt: In Appreciation of the “Trump Judges”

Published: Jan. 2, 2020, 8 a.m.

Conservatives—and, in particular, Evangelicals—who minimize the importance of President Trump’s judicial appointments betray a naivete about the growing perils to religious liberty in our country today.

Too many do not grasp the sheer number of cases on the religious clauses of the First Amendment that have reached the high court in recent years.

The Hobby Lobby decision in 2014 and the Masterpiece Cake decision of 2018 are perhaps the highest profile of the enormously important decisions we’ve seen.

And the cases keep coming:

The court has recently agreed to review decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on the ability of two Catholic schools in California to operate out of Christian conviction.

The answer from the court will be crucial to the future of religious education across the country.

For those whose faith is crucial to their lives, the “Trump judges” make all the difference in the world.

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