The Beckies discover all about Psycholudics in Play - what is it and why we really need to know.

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, noon


Here The Beckies are\\xa0 keen to discover more about play and our delighted to be\\xa0 joined by Michelle from the University of Worcester. \\xa0Michelle tells us what Psycholudic Play Theory is, it's background\\xa0 and makes it so easy to understand.\\xa0
The word Psycholudic means the brain/mind and play.\\xa0 Michelle is so pleased to share this idea, demystify it and empower everyone in the early years arena to understand and use this theory. This defines the role of the adult in the play process.
We talk about the desire for play being sparked in the children's brain, the child sends out a cue and there is a return required, this can come from the environment, this can come from the adult if we are invited to return the cue.\\xa0 Play flow starts and the play cycle begins.
We talk about what we should and shouldn't\\xa0 do in play as early years professionals.
In practice we will be holding the play, we will be observing and we will be sensitively retuning the cue.\\xa0 Michelle really helps us to understand this idea, you may need to listen a few times to this podcast as it has a lot of brilliant content. We found the more we have listened the more we now understand about Psycholudics Play Theory.
This can unlock the power of early years professionals\\xa0 brain, to observe and be empowered in their practice.
How can we empower children? Playful Pedagogy . - Play based learning book
As always find us on let's develop an amazing community of early years together.
