SchemaPlay - The Beckies talk with Lynnette Brock and John Siraj-Blatchford

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, noon


Here the Beckies are delighted to talk with Lynnette and John about their extensive knowledge of Schema Play.
We chat about the ethos of their community interest company SchemaPlay,\\xa0\\xa0we discover their amazing research and practical knowledge of enabling child led play and extending this.
Lynnette discusses how all children's learning comes from the child,\\xa0 and how we can extend this through really knowing what the child can do.\\xa0 SchemaPlay has its foundations in\\xa0 understanding the child. John talks about these foundations being based in what the child can do (and not what they cannot do). Schemes are a language for understanding what children do,\\xa0 SchemaPlay supports practitioners to build on their knowledge of the child.
Children learning through play is widely recognised and understood, children are self motivated,\\xa0 and are doing their own thinking in the process, they are pulled along by the current of their own activity Csikszentmihalyi\\xa0 (1979).\\xa0 The practitioner steps very gently, with sensitivity they support this and build upon it to take the child in perhaps a more 'fruitful' direction.\\xa0 We chat about how exhausting and amazing early years\\xa0 can be.
Learning through play is a given ,\\xa0 where do we go next ?
Lynnette gives real life ideas and case studies and brings to life the practitioners role in supporting and extending eureka moments !
Free-flow play 'wallowing\\xa0 in their play' Tina Bruce (2004)\\xa0 who in\\xa0 all of our eyes is a national treasure.
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