New Research - The impact of environments on children's development, play & learning

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, noon


Here the Beckies\\xa0 and Mindy\\xa0 talk with the inspirational Gemma Goldenberg all about her research which looks at the\\xa0 specific effects of the learning environment on children. \\xa0 Join us and discover how Gemma is exploring\\xa0 and gaining\\xa0 a deeper understanding\\xa0 of\\xa0 the environmental\\xa0 effects on the children as they play outdoors and indoors.
What is the impact of the environment ? Why does it matter where children play?
Gemma discusses\\xa0 how she hopes to understand how outdoors & indoors impacts \\xa0 stress, attention, learning , behaviours and speech & language\\xa0 with the children.
We discover how she hopes to capture this information naturalistically,
Gemma was a primary school teacher and really\\xa0 felt that children don't need to just learn indoors .\\xa0 Through\\xa0 being outside she started to notice the children being in a different frame of mind and how children and adult moods can really change as they go out.
Gemma talks personally about the positive\\xa0 impact on her own children that being outside has brought,\\xa0 meaningful hands-on experience\\xa0 with time to explore, touch and smell.\\xa0 We talk about how as adults we just breathe when we step into the forest school and what\\xa0 happens in the environment when the adults are stressed?
Does a\\xa0 nature rich environment have the biggest impact on children or is being outside in fresh enough?\\xa0
We ask why is early years research so important? \\xa0
Value your gut instinct , use research to support your practice and\\xa0 support how the children choose to play
Early years research is for everyone in working or living with children.
We are excited to find out more about Gemma's PHD research which will be published in 3 years.\\xa0 For now you can follow Gemma on @phd_and_three on Instagram and Gemma Goldenberg on LinkedIn.
Grab a cuppa, have a 10 min snuggled up listen with us and this amazing community of thriving early years.
Thank you for listening
The Beckies
creating environments where every child is understood.
