Dyslexia and Me - Becky's story as adult with dyslexia

Published: June 30, 2020, noon


Here the Beckies talk about what it is like to live with Dyslexia as an adult.
Dyslexia what does the word actually even mean????
Becky chats to Becs about her everyday life ; What was it like at school for Becky? Standing up and reading was so hard, what helped was having someone to understand how I learnt.\\xa0\\xa0Now its things like how much longer it takes to even enter a zoom meeting, and the frustrations dyslexia brings in day to day life, however I also love the benefits that dyslexia brings creatively and to think differently has really helped me.
Dyslexia in the early years workforce seems to be high is this why its such a creative tuned in profession?
The way you teach children should always be directed at how they actually learn !!!

Own your own challenges and always be honest, always ask and never ever, ever be afraid to ask a question.\\xa0
