Birth to five matters - What we really need to know - With Becky and Caroline Eaton

Published: Dec. 11, 2020, 3 p.m.


Here The Beckies talk to Caroline to discuss Birth to Five\\xa0 Matters , there is a big buzz around this at the moment and everyone in Early Years has the opportunity to shape how we work.
Caroline explains what is happening right now and what to look out for.
There are lots of collaborative working parties\\xa0 from the early years sector all working\\xa0 hard ,\\xa0 and\\xa0 from the 15th December the first draft will come out . Pop this date in your diary because this where we can all have another say.
The importance of Early Years views is so crucial as this can shape how we will work and how children's futures will flourish.
Evolution not Revolution ...have your voice heard.
Play is at the heart\\xa0 of this document.
Early Years ownership of your own practice - we promise\\xa0 your views will count and will be heard.
This can change futures -\\xa0 Nancy\\xa0 Stewart\\xa0 is heading up the project so if you would like to see how awesome she is head to
Head over to Early Education website if you would like to know more
And as always Thriving Language are here to support you,\\xa0 let's continue to grow our amazing community of early years head to\\xa0 we love to hear from you email\\xa0 us at
Now let's grab a cuppa together and have a 10 min listen you never know\\xa0 this could just be a lovely listen or you could be part of changing the\\xa0 future of early years.\\xa0 Love The Beckies
PS don't forget to\\xa0 watch out for Nancy's free webinar 16th Dec 7pm\\xa0\\xa0
