33. Leading by EXAMPLE : an interview with Dr. Brooke

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 7:30 a.m.

What would it take to THRIVE in a stressful, intense and demanding job?


This week we sit down with Dr. Brooke Schampers (known as @doctor_brooke on Instagram), an ER veterinarian practicing in Australia who LOVES her job, in the healthiest way possible. Naturally I wanted to pick her brain and find out what she's doing to help foster this deep love of a job that seems to run over so many people. And her answers were more than insightful, they were inspiring!


It wasn't easy to pick a name for this interview because we talked about so many pieces of the puzzle that need to come together to thrive personally and professionally, but what I can tell you is that Brooke LEADS BY EXAMPLE. She practices what she preaches and she owes a lot of that to the mentors in her life that ALSO led by example.


I can't wait for you guys to hear from her this week! And if you're a veterinary student or veterinarian who works with ER or urgent care cases - I highly highly recommend checking out her ER guides on her website: DrBrookeSchampers.com