Who Are You Really?

Published: March 23, 2022, 12:13 p.m.

Moment by moment we have choices about how we show up in the world, for others, ourselves and what matters to us.

The noise of modern life and the seeming expectations of the new normal can lead us to feel like we have lost who we are.

But what if we never knew and we were just working with from the script we inherited?

What space might open up for us if we gave up being right about how life is?

What would it be like if you could to get to the source of constraints and then disappear them?

What would it be like if you listened for people’s humanity not from the default judgement that creates distance and disconnection?

These are questions I have turned on myself on countless occasions, to examine the taken-for-grantedness of life moment by moment. Here for the last time on this podcast, I share what a moment of discovery brought forth for me after reading the Ultimate Coach and listening to Steve Hardison.

If you would like to explore further how you can go beyond what you know, and live life from discovery, then sign up to Who Are You Really Group Coaching with myself, The Philosophical Coach. Here you will be with other like minded people to explore and push boundaries about perceived limitations and break past who you know yourself to be in life as a leader, performer, communicator …human being. To sign up head to: bit.ly/whoareyoureallygroup

Whilst this is the final solo episode for this podcast, in the coming weeks you can look forward to one final episode where I discuss with Saj Shah, author of Joynetix, and Ted-X speaker, something everyone on the planet can benefit from experiencing more of: joy.

What is next for me is more work around imagining a future not based on the past in the areas of mental health, politics, leadership, performance and communication. If you would like to keep abreast of any developments, then I invite you to connect with me either by heading to thephilosophicalcoach.com, email, or social media under the philosophical coach. I am primarily on Linkedin.

If you are new to this podcast:

Over the last 2.5 years I have examined and discovered line through the question 'Who are you really?'. It is the question I coach from. The Philosophical Coach is the culmination of 13 years examining the nuances and subtleties of the human experience. And 5 years working and training in transformative leadership. I have had the immense privilege of working intimately with a leader who has shaped the entire transformation industry, impacted not just millions of lives but also the bulk of the Fortune 100 companies. I have also had the privilege of working with the Foundation for Ontological Transformation in Education on the course Being a Leader: The Effective Exercise of Leadership.