Your Prefix is not Permission!

Published: Oct. 21, 2021, 10:51 a.m.


How many times do we hear people say things like "I am not racist but...." and then go on and say the most racist thing ever! Or "I am not having a go, but...." and then literally rip strips off you.


Ladies and gents, in my world, this is not acceptable! We have all done it in someway shape or form, I believe, that life is for learning and improving. Owning who we are and who we want to become and our journey there. 


I challenge you all to get involved in this discussion and raise awareness, challenge the prefix statements and enable others to learn and grow together. If we are complicit, we are allowing this to happen, we are in agreement, in pact with what is being said...our words hit, they land, they hurt, they trigger! 


Enjoy listening to this episode and I would love to hear your thoughts, views and opinions, with compassion and a good heart, I wish you all the happiness you can handle! 
