In the room, but I'm not there!

Published: Aug. 17, 2022, 9:58 a.m.


Wow... that one hit like a brick. The awesome Frank Lampard in his second interview for the podcast show "The High Performance Podcast" which you can find here and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone...subscribe to it and pop it on when you run, drive or even clean the house or DIY! 


Episode link:


But Frank talked about when he is in the room but not present, because his mind is wandering, his energy is up, he is a doer, a completer, a what  next, what next. And that feeling of never quite reaching the \'there\' and the intensity that brings. 


I confess, for years this was me, and at times, it still is, but I am evolving and developing my emotional agility and intelligence to manage this better for me and others. How about you?



When are you \'In the room, but not there?\'



Enjoy pondering this one, todays musing. 



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