Episode 18: Mood, Meltdowns and Meditation

Published: July 28, 2020, 11:20 a.m.

What do you do when you don’t know what else to do? COVID sure has done a number on everyone’s mental health in some way, shape, or form. Lots of anxiety about what we should do, what is best for our families. Roles in families are even different now because of how work is done for partners.

Maria is new to meditation, Michelle has been doing regularly since her world changed in 2017. Neither of us are experts. Just trying to figure out how to live our best lives and if we are honest - we were both doing that pretty nicely before COVID came along. Both of us will say that if you find yourself sobbing on the bathroom or shower floor - try a meditation after, it may help you reset your mood and manage the emotions around the episode a bit. 

Meditation requires nothing other than a quiet space and the ability to focus on breathing and body and to train your mind to the different thoughts in your mind and just let them pass rather than focus on each and every one. You can be seated with feet on the floor or lie down, some people stand or sit on the floor. Find a way that works for you and go with it There isn’t a right way to incorporate the practice into your life. There are several apps on the market that are free that offer great options to try and get started. Two we both have used are Calm and Headspace which have options for in app yearly subscriptions. Michelle does a daily meditation or body scan just to “get centered” for the day & even to fall asleep at night when the head is too full. One feature of the calm app is the breathing cycle - when really upset or frustrated - the act of breathing in, holding it and breathing out can bring the emotions into check. Add a “cocktail” of essential oils and mood management can feel otherworldly. Maria’s newly a fan of the guided meditations in the Peloton app.

Has your communication style changed since COVID began - do you find yourself more “ragey” with all that you have to manage and unsure how to find your voice to communicate clearly? Have you tried or do you meditate? Do you have an app or a practice you love? What works for you? How are you managing your family differently because of COVID? How can we help each other out?

#meditationformoodmanagment #meditate #dailyom #lifehacks #mentalhealth #momsmanageallthethings #whoismanagingmom #lookingforanadultyadult 

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