222. Bruce Prichard is in charge of NXT 2.0 + More wrestling news

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 4:56 p.m.

b"Good morning. Welcome to the newest episode of The Wrestling Takeover. I talked about a lot of news in today's episode. Sources I credited coming from (Ringside News), (Fightful) & (WrestleVotes on Twitter @WrestleVotes)\\xa0\\nHosted by, Jordan Turner\\xa0\\nSupport this podcast by listening, rating, & commenting. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram: https://linktr.ee/JordanTurner.News:\\xa0\\n\\nNews: WWE NXT 2.0 creative team is now under Bruce Prichard's command\\xa0\\nOpinion into a topical discussion: Bianca Belair will be winning The Royal Rumble. Here's why?\\xa0\\nNews: Major Leauge Wrestling (MLW): MLW files an Anti-Trust Lawsuit against WWE\\xa0\\nNews: Britt Baker suggests ''headlining a PPV is the next step in the growth of AEW's women's division\\nNews: Dustin Rhodes says, ''it's unfair that women get fewer chances on AEW Dynamite.''"