628: Brazen Brassicas

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 12:30 p.m.


628: Brazen Brassicas.

In This Podcast:

This is the July 2021 Seed Saving Class with Bill McDorman discussing brassicas.  Sassy, unpretentious and unapologetic, the brassica family covers some of the easiest and trickiest plants to grow, and from which to save seeds.  Break through the mystery, the challenge, and myths and learn how to grow and save seeds from this family of diverse species which includes kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, arugula and broccoli. At least ten times a year we have a live Seed Saving Class. 

Bill McDorman is Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Ketchum, Idaho. He got his start in the bio-regional seed movement while in college in 1979 when he helped start Garden City Seeds. In 1984, Bill started Seeds Trust/High Altitude Gardens, a mail order seed company he ran successfully until it sold in 2013.

Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/2021/08/24/628-seed-chat/ for shownotes and links.

Brazen Brassicas.
