468: Chris Smith on Okra

Published: Aug. 6, 2019, 12:30 p.m.


Fascination with an underappreciated vegetable.

His first introduction to okra did not go over well, but years later Chris Smith was given okra seeds as a gift and he felt responsible to do his best with them.  This prompted him to research, learn, and experiment with many varieties and recipes. He learned a lot and he shares part of his journey becoming fascinated with this often discounted vegetable. There is a lot more to this plant than just a simple pod. Check out the recipe for pickled okra he shared with us and included on our shownotes page.

Chris is a garden writer and homesteading consultant who serves on the board of The People\\u2019s Seed. When he is not okra-ing he can sometimes be found at Sow True Seed, an Asheville-based open-pollinated seed company. The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration by our friends at Chelsea Green Publishing, has just been released and is available!

Go to https://www.urbanfarm.org/2019/08/06/468-chris-smith/ for more information and links on this podcast, and to find our other great guests.

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468: Chris Smith on Okra
